
U28261 Flight Status ( London to Chania )


Departure (U28261 Flight Schedule)

Gatwick ()

flag London, United Kingdom

12:50 BST

Thu 24-Oct-2024

 EARLY 24 min
BST 00:00:00 DAY

Arrival (U28261 Flight Schedule)

Souda ()

flag Chania, Greece

19:00 EEST

Thu 24-Oct-2024

 EARLY 59 min
EEST 00:00:00 DAY

Flight Radar Checker U2 8261

Live Flight Tracker Map

Flight U28261 from London to Chania is operated by Easyjet. Scheduled time of departure from Gatwick is 12:50 BST and scheduled time of arrival in Souda is 19:00 EEST. The duration of the flight is 4 hours 10 minutes.


Airbus (A320)

Not Rated

Flight Finder
from Chania to London

Flight Departure Arrival

History Flight Information for U28261 from Flight Scanner System

Date Flight Departure Airport Arrival Airport Scheduled Plane Estimated
Departure Arrival Departure Arrival
Thu, 24 Oct U28261 Gatwick () Souda () 12:50 BST 19:00 EEST (Airbus A320) 12:40 BST 18:00 EEST
Thu, 17 Oct U28261 Gatwick () Souda () 12:50 BST 19:00 EEST 12:24 BST 17:34 EEST
Thu, 10 Oct U28261 Gatwick () Souda () 12:50 BST 19:00 EEST 13:37 BST 18:44 EEST
Thu, 03 Oct U28261 Gatwick () Souda () 12:50 BST 19:00 EEST 12:35 BST 17:48 EEST
Thu, 26 Sep U28261 Gatwick () Souda () 12:50 BST 19:00 EEST 13:00 BST 18:04 EEST
Thu, 19 Sep U28261 Gatwick () Souda () 12:50 BST 19:00 EEST 12:34 BST 17:37 EEST
Thu, 12 Sep U28261 Gatwick () Souda () 12:50 BST 19:00 EEST (Airbus A320) 12:59 BST 18:12 EEST
Thu, 05 Sep U28261 Gatwick () Souda () 12:50 BST 19:00 EEST (Airbus A320) 14:14 BST 19:32 EEST

Disclaimer for U28261 Flight Radar Data

Flight U28261 from Gatwick to Souda data is collected from different sources. The data is for informational purposes only and PlaneMapper is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of flight U28261 data.