SVL22 Flight Status ( San Diego to Santa Ana )


Departure (SVL22 Flight Schedule)

San Diego Intl ()

flag San Diego, United States

10:30 PST

Fri 20-Dec-2024

PST 00:00:00 DAY

Arrival (SVL22 Flight Schedule)

John Wayne Arpt Orange Co ()

flag Santa Ana, United States

10:58 PST

Fri 20-Dec-2024

PST 00:00:00 DAY

Flight Radar Checker SVL22

Live Flight Tracker Map

Flight SVL22 from San Diego to Santa Ana is operated by Saak-Gem Air Company. Scheduled time of departure from San Diego Intl is 10:30 PST and scheduled time of arrival in John Wayne Arpt Orange Co is 10:58 PST. The duration of the flight is 28 minutes.



Not Rated

Flight Finder
from Santa Ana to San Diego

Flight Departure Arrival

John Wayne Arpt Orange Co
San Diego Intl

History Flight Information for SVL22 from Flight Scanner System

Date Flight Departure Airport Arrival Airport Scheduled Plane Estimated
Departure Arrival Departure Arrival
Fri, 20 Dec SVL22 San Diego Intl () John Wayne Arpt Orange Co () 10:30 PST 10:58 PST 10:43 PST 11:08 PST
Thu, 19 Dec SVL22 Aspen Pitkin County Sardy Field () San Diego Intl () 10:30 MST 11:39 PST 11:13 MST 12:05 PST
Tue, 17 Dec SVL22 Phoenix-Mesa Gateway () Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport () 08:15 MST 08:17 PST 08:31 MST 08:12 PST
Tue, 03 Dec SVL22 Santa Barbara Muni () Los Angeles Intl () 09:00 PST 09:34 PST 09:11 PST 09:37 PST
Sun, 01 Dec SVL22 Richard Lloyd Jones Jr Airport () Centennial () 14:00 CST 14:45 MST 15:23 CST 16:11 MST
Sun, 01 Dec SVL22 Naples Muni () Richard Lloyd Jones Jr Airport () 11:30 EST 13:53 CST 12:19 EST 14:30 CST
Fri, 29 Nov SVL22 Peoria Regional () Lambert St Louis Intl () 08:30 CST 09:11 CST
Thu, 28 Nov SVL22 Naples Muni () Peoria Regional () 09:30 EST 11:34 CST 10:14 EST 11:37 CST
Sun, 03 Nov SVL22 Dekalb-Peachtree Airport () Auburn University Regional () 15:15 EST 14:51 CST
Sat, 02 Nov SVL22 Wichita Mid Continent () Chicago Midway Intl () 14:00 CDT 15:47 CDT

Disclaimer for SVL22 Flight Radar Data

Flight SVL22 from San Diego Intl to John Wayne Arpt Orange Co data is collected from different sources. The data is for informational purposes only and PlaneMapper is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of flight SVL22 data.