Bethel Airport, Bethel (BET/PABE)


Airport Bethel is located in United States near the city of Bethel. The international codes of Bethel airport are ICAO: PABE and IATA: . Bethel is located at latitude 60.7798 and longitude -161.838. The elevation above sea level is 121ft (37m). Local timezone at the airport is UTC/GMT -9:00 hours.

Airport Information

Airport name


Main City



country United States






121ft (37m)

Latitude, Longitude
60.7798, -161.838
Local time
08:17 Tue, 03 Dec
America/Anchorage, -9h


Bethel Airport Arrivals

Flight Time From
08:30 countryAnchorage ()
09:01 countryEek ()
09:15 countryMountain Village ()
09:15 countryKwethluk ()
09:17 countryRussian Mission ()
09:22 countryAkiak ()
09:40 countryEek ()
09:42 countryKalskag ()
09:49 countryPort Moller ()
09:50 countryQuinhagak ()
10:06 countryAlakanuk ()
10:07 countryKotlik ()
10:09 countryToksook Bay ()
10:10 countryKipnuk ()
10:11 countryAniak ()
10:20 countryChevak ()
10:20 countryHooper Bay ()
10:24 countryScammon Bay ()
10:25 countryMountain Village ()
10:25 countryChefornak ()
10:29 countryAniak ()
10:45 countryKongiganak ()
10:45 countryScammon Bay ()
10:55 countryKwigillingok ()
10:55 countryHooper Bay ()
11:05 countryKotlik ()
11:15 countryScammon Bay ()
11:15 countryHooper Bay ()
11:28 countryAnchorage ()
11:55 countryEek ()
12:00 countryQuinhagak ()
12:50 countryChefornak ()
13:45 countryEmmonak ()
13:55 countryMountain Village ()
14:00 countryChevak ()
14:00 countryKwethluk ()
14:06 countryAlakanuk ()
14:06 countryKotlik ()
14:07 countryRussian Mission ()
14:07 countryAkiak ()
14:15 countryNightmute ()
14:16 countryEek ()
14:42 countryKalskag ()
14:45 countryKongiganak ()
14:56 countryAniak ()
14:59 countryToksook Bay ()
15:10 countryMountain Village ()
15:14 countryPort Moller ()
15:20 countryChefornak ()
15:20 countryMekoryuk ()
15:25 countryHooper Bay ()
15:29 countryScammon Bay ()
15:30 countryQuinhagak ()
16:24 countryAnchorage ()
16:45 countryScammon Bay ()
17:15 countryAlakanuk ()
17:30 countryKongiganak ()
17:40 countryEek ()
17:40 countryKwigillingok ()
18:20 countryQuinhagak ()
18:40 countryKipnuk ()
18:40 countryChefornak ()
18:40 countryHooper Bay ()
19:04 countryAnchorage ()
19:10 countryMountain Village ()
19:10 countryChevak ()
19:15 countryScammon Bay ()
19:25 countryHooper Bay ()
20:00 countryAnchorage ()

Bethel Airport Departures

Flight Time To
08:20 countryAlakanuk ()
08:20 countryKotlik ()
08:25 countryChevak ()
08:25 countryHooper Bay ()
08:25 countryScammon Bay ()
08:30 countryMarshall ()
08:30 countrySanta Barbara ()
08:30 countryQuinhagak ()
08:30 countryHooper Bay ()
08:30 countryChevak ()
08:30 countryScammon Bay ()
08:30 countryKalskag ()
08:40 countryToksook Bay ()
08:45 countryEek ()
08:45 countryKipnuk ()
08:45 countryChefornak ()
08:45 countrySanta Barbara ()
08:45 countryToksook Bay ()
08:45 countryAniak ()
08:45 countryKwethluk ()
08:45 countryAkiak ()
09:00 countryHooper Bay ()
09:00 countryChevak ()
09:00 countrySanta Barbara ()
09:00 countrySanta Barbara ()
09:00 countryChevak ()
09:15 countryKwigillingok ()
09:15 countryKongiganak ()
09:15 countryNightmute ()
09:20 countryAnchorage ()
10:30 countrySanta Barbara ()
10:30 countryEek ()
10:45 countryKipnuk ()
11:30 countryEmmonak ()
11:30 countryScammon Bay ()
11:45 countryMekoryuk ()
12:00 countryChefornak ()
12:20 countryAlakanuk ()
12:20 countryKotlik ()
12:23 countryAnchorage ()
12:30 countryMekoryuk ()
12:45 countrySanta Barbara ()
12:45 countryNightmute ()
13:00 countryNewtok ()
13:00 countrySt Mary's ()
13:00 countryMarshall ()
13:00 countrySanta Barbara ()
13:00 countryEek ()
13:00 countryMekoryuk ()
13:00 countryMountain Village ()
13:00 countrySt Mary's ()
13:00 countryRussian Mission ()
13:30 countryToksook Bay ()
13:30 countryKwethluk ()
13:30 countryToksook Bay ()
13:30 countryChevak ()
13:30 countryHooper Bay ()
13:30 countryScammon Bay ()
13:30 countryKalskag ()
13:30 countryAniak ()
13:30 countryKwethluk ()
13:30 countryAkiak ()
13:30 countryEek ()
13:30 countryPort Moller ()
13:45 countryKipnuk ()
14:00 countryEek ()
14:00 countryHooper Bay ()
14:15 countryEmmonak ()
14:30 countryKwigillingok ()
15:30 countrySanta Barbara ()
16:00 countryKongiganak ()
16:00 countryKwigillingok ()
16:00 countryNightmute ()
16:15 countryMarshall ()
16:15 countryChevak ()
16:45 countryEek ()
16:45 countryToksook Bay ()
17:00 countryKwethluk ()
17:00 countrySt Mary's ()
17:00 countryQuinhagak ()
17:00 countryKipnuk ()
17:00 countryChefornak ()
17:00 countrySanta Barbara ()
17:00 countryKwethluk ()
17:00 countryHooper Bay ()
17:00 countryScammon Bay ()
17:14 countryAnchorage ()
17:15 countryChevak ()
17:30 countryKotlik ()
17:30 countrySanta Barbara ()
19:59 countryAnchorage ()

Bethel Airport Map


Closest airports to Bethel
United States, 21 km
(NUP / )
United States, 35 km
United States, 36 km
United States, 39 km
(TLT / )
United States, 59 km
United States, 64 km
(WTL / )
United States, 67 km
United States, 108 km
United States, 114 km
United States, 114 km